Monday, February 10, 2025

Drug Test Results - Medical Review Officer (MRO) Services

OHS MED is one of the most experienced MRO service providers in Australia specialising in Drug and Alcohol assessments.

OHS MED will advise companies who undertake drug testing and review and interpret the ‘detected result’, which includes comprehensive reporting to the employer on fitness for work and other recommendations.

OHS MED’s MRO consultation services are provided at OHS MED’s Sydney medical practice or by telephone.

What happens to an employee who tests positive?

This is one of the most important parts of your policy.

A screening test for drugs may be positive and laboratory confirmation is required for a full positive result to be confirmed.

At all times, privacy and confidentiality of the employee must be maintained.

In managing positive results key points for employers to consider are:
  • It may be necessary to remove an employee from the immediate environment and moved to a less risky area
  • Whether an employee is stood down (with or without pay)
  • Whether an employee continues in their current role until the result is returned from the laboratory
  • The need for assessment and reporting on the nature of the abuse with follow-up recommendations for action provided by an expert Medical Review Officer
  • Whether counselling and rehabilitation will be provided once a full positive result is confirmed

OHS MED’s MRO Telephone Consultation Service

As an alternative to a face to face consultation, Telephone Consultations are an ideal assessment option for workers in remote locations – as well as being a practical and cost effective solution that minimises time off work for employees.

Telephone consultations include an assessment and report on all NON-NEGATIVE / DETECTED drug test results.

Talk to OHS MED on our experience with providing hundreds of telephone consultations for drug test result interpretation for organisations including Sydney Trains, NSW Trains and Abigroup.